「ミニソプルは、デザインと生産の多様化に焦点を当てたオフィス エレクトロニクス ブランドです。私たちのすべての目標は、ユーザー中心であり、シンプルで実用的な製品を作成し、常にユーザーの生活を豊かにし、オフィスの効率を効果的に改善し、あなたの生活に完璧な品質を提供します。 "


それでも問題が解決しない場合でも、心配はいりません。私たちに電子メールを送信し、24 時間以内にすぐに応答を受け取ります。



何らかの理由で購入日から 30 日以内に製品にご満足いただけない場合は、喜んで交換または返金いたします。製品が損傷を受けていない状態であることをご確認ください。

品質関連の問題に対する 1 年間の保証

購入日から 1 年間、品質に関連するすべての問題に対処し、交換または全額返金を行います。


ご注意: 損傷が製造上の欠陥によるものでない場合、追加の送料、取り扱い、または修理料金が請求される場合があります。 "


Minisopuru is one of the fastest-growing computer tech start-ups located in the technology hubs of the Greater Bay Area Silicon Valley, Hong Kong.

In today's digital age, technology plays a crucial role in our lives. At Minisopuru, we understand that the most effective technology not only has innovative features but also simplifies and enhances our daily experiences.

Our Mission

Our brand is dedicated to creating high-quality, compact tech accessories that allow people to stay connected and interact with the digital world in a seamless and convenient way.

Our journey began with a simple idea

to develop a line of mini-tech accessories that could help people navigate their digital lives with ease. As we worked on perfecting our products, we realized that there was a real need for reliable, portable tech accessories that could support the modern, digital lifestyle.

Minisopuru take pride in our attention to detail, quality, and craftsmanship.

Our products are designed and engineered with the highest standards of quality, durability, and performance. We use only the best materials and the latest technology to ensure that our products meet the needs of our customers.

The name minisopuru embodies our commitment to providing high-quality, practical, and innovative solutions in a compact.

The "mini" in our name represents our focus on creating products that are portable, lightweight, and easy to carry, while the "sopuru" reflects our passion for pure, powerful, and impactful technology. We believe that technology should be intuitive and accessible to everyone, and that's why we design our products with simplicity and ease-of-use in mind.

Our Brand Colors

Our brand colors reflect our dedication to simplicity, elegance, and innovation. The blue tones in our logo evoke a sense of trust, reliability, and calmness, while the sleek and modern design of our logo represents our commitment to creating innovative and stylish products.

Our Proud

We are proud to offer a wide range of products that are designed to make our customers' digital lives more enjoyable and effortless. Whether you need a mini docking hub, a portable charger, or any other mini-tech accessory, we've got you covered.

Thanks For Choosing Minisopuru

At minisopuru, we understand that our customers are at the heart of everything we do. That's why we strive to provide exceptional customer service, listen to feedback, and continuously improve our products to meet the evolving needs of our customers.
Thank you for choosing minisopuru. We are thrilled to be a part of your digital journey and are committed to providing you with the best technology solutions possible.